There is a number of schooling options available for internationals in Odense.

The Danish school system
Denmark has a policy of 10 years' compulsory education for children starting in August of the year they turn six. This is made up of one year in a pre-school class and nine years in primary and lower secondary education, usually completed by 15-16 years of age. Upon completion of primary and lower secondary education, children can choose between a number of general or vocational upper secondary education programs. Upper secondary education is for students between 15 and 19 years of age, and prepares students for higher education.
Public schooling in Denmark is free of charge. Parents that choose to send their child to a private or independent school, however, are generally required to pay tuition.
Public school
Foreign children entering the public education system with little to no Danish will begin their education at the local school with language support. Parents should contact the local school or the School Department at Odense Kommune for enrollment of their child / children.
To give the best possible start in a Danish public school, as a part of the enrollment process, children with little to no knowledge of Danish language will be invited for a screening meeting - to uncover your child's needs, skills and language abilities. This can determine whether your child is enrolled in a regular class or in a reception class before continuing to a regular class.
In Denmark children start school the year they turn 6 years old. The enrollment to pre-school activities (Forårs SFO) and grade zero takes place online November 1-14. For enrollment outside this period, please contact the Department of Children and Youth and City of Odense.
Please note, your child does not need to have a CPR number in order to start the enrollment process. However, you should already have an address in Odense.
- Find a list of public schools in Odense here
- View a map of public schools in Odense here
- Find more information about the enrollment to school and Forårs SFO (before- and after-school care) in Odense
Before- and after-school care
In Denmark school-based leisure-time offer is called skolefritidsordning or in short SFO . Before- and after-school care is guaranteed for all children from 0 to 4th grade in public schools in Odense. It gives an opportunity to spend time with friends, play and participate in curriculum-based activities. You will need to pay the cost of SFO yourself.
- Read more about SFO on the website of City of Odense (in Danish)
- Find information about different modules, their prices and opening hours
Contact School Department - Department for Children and Youth Affairs
Ørbækvej 100, block 2
5220 Odense SØ
Tel: +45 65 51 51 50
Private schools
If you are interested in enrolling your child to a local private school, find more information about private schools in Denmark on (in Danish)
See a list of private schools (choose Odense Kommune in the list). To know more about enrollment to private schools, you should contact the schools directly.
International schools
It is also possible to enroll your child in one of the two schools offering international education in the area.
Odense International School (Henriette Hørlücks School) provides internationally recognized primary and secondary education for children between the ages of 5 and 16.
Nyborg Gymnasium is an upper secondary school that offers two national secondary education programs (the 'stx' and the 'hf') and the International Baccalaureate (IB) - an international diploma program that is recognized by universities worldwide. The IB program is taught in English and is open to Danes and internationals alike. Tuition is free.