Public pools
Whether you're interested in swimming lessons or just splashing in the pool with your kids, there is a number of public pools to choose from in Odense.

There are currently six public swimming pools in Odense, one of which is open-air:
- Bolbro - Middelfartsvej 180, 5200 Odense V
- Vollsmose - Vollsmose Allé 18B, 5240 Odense SØ
- Universitetet - Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
- Højme - Højmevænget 3B, 5250 Odense SV
- Klosterbakken - Klosterbakken 5, 5200 Odense C
- Odense Friluftsbad (open-air pool) - Elsesmindevej 50, 5200 Odense V
- Odense Havnebad (open-air pool) - Gamle Havnekaj 3, 5000 Odense C
To find out more about what the different pools have to offer or to take a virtual tour of the pools, visit the Odense Idrætspark website.