Spring til indhold

Job searching

Get tips and tricks for your job search in our guide for international job seekers.

Finding work

Job Search Guide

International Community Odense has developed a Job Search Guide for internationals, where you will find tips and information on where and how to look for jobs, how to write a good CV and cover letter, and much more.


Note: The job search guide will be updated regularly, and you will be able to find the newest version in the link below. However, while we strive to ensure that the content of the guide is up to date and accurate, errors can occur, and rules and regulations mentioned in this guide may have been subject to change. In all cases, before you take action or make decisions that may affect your situation or status in Denmark, make sure to consult the appropriate authorities and read up on the newest regulations.


 You can find the Job Search Guide here.



Work in Denmark

On the website of Work in Denmark, you will find great tips and video tutorials on job searching in Denmark.

Visit Work in Denmark's website here.